Frequently asked questions
As a rule, we can't change the shipped address once the order has been placed. All orders go straight into production meaning they can't be altered once placed.
As a rule, we can't change the shipped address once the order has been placed. All orders go straight into production meaning they can't be altered once placed.
All orders go straight into production once they have been placed. As all of our items are personalised, we cannot change the text once the order has been placed. So make sure you supply the correct details when ordering!
All orders go straight into production once they have been placed. As all of our items are personalised, we cannot change the text once the order has been placed. So make sure you supply the correct details when ordering!
For delivery times, please check out Delivery Information
You should get an email when the order has been shipped, along with tracking info!
For delivery times, please check out Delivery Information
You should get an email when the order has been shipped, along with tracking info!
Yes, we do! If there is something specific you have in mind that you can't see in our store, get in touch and we can see if we can help!
Yes, we do! If there is something specific you have in mind that you can't see in our store, get in touch and we can see if we can help!
No problem! Just pop their address as the shipping address, and add a gift note to make sure they know who its from.
No problem! Just pop their address as the shipping address, and add a gift note to make sure they know who its from.
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